Happy Apple


[CAP/GIF] 111217 WGM TeukSora

Fighting Junior mission for Sora

Leeteuk bring Sora to SS4 stage gave her a flower and ring couple ><!!

TeukSora back hug

KyuTeuk back hugging♥

 "we're fighting junioo~~or!!!" Guy no. 1,2,3,4 haha

111217 Sungmin Naver Blog Update

우리 카카오 옷을 바꿨어요~^^

크리스마스 분위기 내려고~ㅎㅎㅎ


our Cacao have changed  clothes~^^
to figure the Christmas atmosphere~ㅎㅎㅎ
it's pretty~?ㅎㅎ

*Cacao is name his dog ^^
note: i'm sorry i still learn korean. sorry if my translation is so bad *^^*

source: Sungmin Naver Blog

111216 Fancafe From. IU ^^

*pretty and cute ㅠㅠ*

credit: WeHeartIU